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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

..:: Listen..Listen...Listen...When I talk, U listen ::..


( warning : this is not a political writing , this is just a personal opinion of writer, nothing harm to anybody )

Yesterday I was realized one phenomenon LISTEN...LISTEN....LISTEN in FB, blog and all around internet, I know myself very well.... my normal behavior is CURIOSITY... what is the hell of this LISTEN issue...most of friends in Fb also update a same status, like takin a piss of this LISTEN story...Today, I can't stand anymore and need to update my self bout this HOT issue..hahaha...finally, mr Google became my lover coz gave me a lot of info bout this HOT topic...

Indeed, me myself are out of dated person...wakakaka...1 day after this hot issue br lah aku tahu ceriteranya....kah x3...Apparently, this issue is a good point for Malaysian especially whom are claimed him/herself as an educated level. When talk bout educated person, so pls behave as an educated...not using this ''kepala lutut'' to talk, sucha shameful for a person like Sharifah Zohra Jaben ( moderator ) to show her disrespectful and arrogant behavior toward Miss Bawani with pulling her microphone and doesn't allow her to finish her point but at the same time try to be humiliating  her in front of public...

For whom still not watching this video, highly recommended to watch and see without any prejudice...

When mentioned about democracy, Sharifah herself should be implemented ''democracy'' inside her, why becoz she is the one who try to stop Miss Bawani from her point, Bawani have her own point and all her points are based on a fact...why other countries such as Argentina, Brazil and so on can give a free education while Malaysia cannot, when she gave all her calculations based on country income
( FACT) and she questioned why Malaysia cannot.. then Sharifah interrupted her talk with LISTEN...LISTEN..LISTEN...try to stop her to continue...this is democracy? This is obviously ''pembodohan mahasiswa'' or brainwash our university student and underestimate them...

In addition, Miss Bawani in a right medium to give her opinion on that issue which is ''Forum Suara Mahasiswa: Seiringkah Mahasiswa Dan Politik'' (Are undergraduates and politics aligned?)..not inappropriate situation...if she can't speak, so what is the purpose of the forum?  better just put there ''This is a Brainwash  session''....

Sharifah as a moderator supposed to be more neutral in her thought, but she showed obviously she is not. She's not one of the panels to answer the question ( she didn't answer any actually) but her irrelevant answer to compared between human and animal is sucha dumb answer...( maybe she just fulfilled the job vacancy for animal right -wakaka ), her arrogant way and started to compare herself ( A-Level ) with the undergraduate degree students is totally wrong, one of her sentences in this video...

'' Remember, I supported 1 thing Ambiga does that is Human Right, and is my right today and all people right to speak of my right....and last thing let me remind u, we have to tend Ambiga Srenevasan untuk membuka mata kita bercakap tentang human right, correct? So this is our right we speak that she is wrong...

Wonder she is represented to who???? loudly..... show off!!!! and so shameful coz all of other students supported her point ( I'm not sure they understand or not what is the point here )...they don't realize or they are dumb enough and cannot analysis what is Bawani point.. She brought a good point here to represent all those student, not just about herself...but no one brave enough to stand and defending her ( Bawani )..this is our student???? which they call educated level or intellectual generation???? should be they be more critis in they thought and more realistic in so so shameful as a Malaysian postgraduate person to knowing our student intellect level is low, or they have no backbones? no brain at all....

 This is our student voice...

I'm sure many of the other student ( undergraduate or postgraduate ) outside will agree with me coz I strongly believe our student especially the new generation is smart enough to think before they talk...not like in this way Malaysian student is stupid enough ( I talk based on my experienced while I was a study in USM-most student are extremely smart and realistic....)

 One more our student association response ...this is our student...

So lets connect our brain to our tongue before talk...below is a response video by Bawani herself about this issue...


Salute to her opinion....Let our student give their opinion...let they talk...listen to them....not stopping them to talk...coz they will be our next generation, will bring a paradigm in Malaysia and will be our next leader in our lovely country....

so Listen...Listen...Listen....and thinks carefully they point, might be that voice will bring new ideas in a future....

not Listen...Listen...Listen...when I talk, u listen....( this is so mean )

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Note : The most disturbing and annoying thing is that pledge ( IKRAR )...the most stupid irkar I had ever seen in my life!!!!!


Murni Alfathunnisa said...

Si B tu tak lah accurate n factual sangat...tapi bagi la dia peluang bercakap. kata demokrasi. ish ish..

Ummi Annur Humaira said...

hahaha....she thought she is student and have right to speak but at the same time that moderator shouldn't pulling her mic and stop her to talk..

ini jadi isu besar kot kat fb...


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