
Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Our Little Princess

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Annur Humaira

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Arwah Akak

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

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Friday, January 11, 2019

:: 2019 - RESOLUTION vss RECAP??? ::


I have been blessed in my life...Goodbye 2018 and welcome 2019 with a new spirit come over InsyaAllah...I will be more often to update my stories here even tho nobody will read 😏😏..

Let me recap my 2018 :

  • Move to JB with my love husband and cute daughter - a decision we made it just because a lot of things happen in Shah Alam. Our business was ruined coz we been betrayed by someone we trust a lot.
  • My husband started his new job as Lifeguard at Legoland Malaysia.
  • I start my new job as Personal Assistant to Dato, just a month coz I can't take the pressure of being racism bullied all the time.
  • After a month break, start looking for another job and finally, Allah has chosen me to be one of this family now... I am successful on my interview as Social Media Manager at one of the NGO from Singapore. GLOBAL EHSAN RELIEF MALAYSIA
  • My baby started to be independent and stay with her babysitter (its hard decision to make, but i dont have any option left, i need to work to help my husband and strengthen our economy.)
  • And I'm still with Global Ehsan Relief Malaysia.
  • 5th of Feb 2019 will be my 1st year anniversary with GER -MY..yeay alhamdulillah...
  • My husband gave up her job coz he got another offer which is better than Legoland...Alhamdulillah...
  • My daughter growing and she can running..talking few things..learning and become one of my addiction with her...
This time I'm still working as P.A Dato..

My workstation, new office, wen branch, everything new 

5th Feb 2018 - we start 3 of zira and fendi

First time went to Singapore for charity dinner
This is GER family from 5 different countries,
Malaysia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Indonesia & Cambodia

 Annur Safiyya growing

8 Month ++

 My 1st time pergi ke USS Singapore
Support my GER hihi

1st meeting with GER worldwide at Singapore Office

 The Boss Baby

1st Kindness Day...Ice cream free

Buang masa ke sini, indah khabar dari rupa..
habis duit company je sampai beribu...NO MORE!!

Iftar with Somalian Refugees kiddos at Gombak

Represent our GERMY

Spend time Iftar with my husband doters

 Raya Idulfitri just me and husband still working..
So sad...

Drove back to Felda and celebrate raya with my parents and atok.

 Safiyya turns 1 year old

My princess

Read more :

Open House Raya at our Boss home with SG Teams

Open House at D'summit Residence, our home residence..


 Birthday treat from GERMY angels
at Dubuyo...

34 years old ready yeahhh

 Raya Haji, husband absent coz want to raya Eid Adha with us
KFC hahahaha

Team Purplelicious 

 1st time we went to Waterpark Legoland

Quite nice but kid friendly.. 

Our GER song was launch

Global Ehsan Relief Theme Song


 My homemade kimchi hahahha

everything is kimchi...

Going back to Sungai Petani Kedah after few years...

 My 1st time giving "TALK" in public about humanitarian

Again I am representing my boss
 1st time try archery with program Sunnah Day with Orphans

Sunnah day with orphans - Archery

Dinner at Seoul Garden 

 Konsert Amal Ehsan Ummah

 First time jadi crew

 GER angels MY
 Full dewan Uitm Puncak Alam

 With UNIC

 With Fitri Haris
Alhamdulillah 1000++ ticket sold..

moved to another house - 10 min to my office hahahha...

 My girl growing up..huhu

My sweetbaby

AND MY 2019 BEGAN : With a very hurtful sad

Our 1st day 1 Jan 2019 it is not a great start, Our GER MY-JB office had been robbed...😞😞
3 laptop gone, 1 iPhone 8 and cash 2000++..

It was so painful coz 1 of a laptop missing is mine...all my work, picture all there...I'm so demotivated to start my new day. Almost a year my lappy serve me very well and helps a lot with all my duty..
The next day, boss replace all our laptop with a brand new one with more high spec but still it wasn't the same..Redha je la...hopefully this one will stick with me and help me to achieve my niat to help ummah...InsyaAllah..

Next entry regarding our 1st time meeting GER SUmmit 2019...yeahhhhh

p/s - please ignore my English, I know it is not perfect but I'm not sitting any exam thou...mind you head or else you can just left..thanksss

Monday, July 16, 2018

..:: Eidulfitri 2018 & Annur Safiyya 1st Birthday::..


Sempat tak nak wish Eid Mubarak All...dah last sesangat kan....

Ok dah berakhirpun syawal...nak throwback je la serba sikit ye...this year raya tak berapa best sebab selama hampir 5 tahun kahwin ni, ni la 1st time tak dapat raya ngan my habibi sob sob...nasib makan gaji kan..before this mmg business je each time raya mmg cuti sendiri la.. Tapi this year sbb dua2 dah kerja semula makan habibi tak cuti dari start raya 1st sampai la raya ke-7...isk isk isk..aku je dapat cuti smpai 11 hari...mereput la yeeee

Beraya la kami 3 beranak malam raya tu siap2..aku masak pulut (yang sepatutnya jadi ketupat tp daun takde wakakaka) dengan rendang daging utk my habibi tapau ke tmpat keje dia..Pagi2 raya lepas je siap2kan bekal suami g keje..terus siap2kan anak dan shoot ke Felda (rumah atok sbb mak abah sume kat sana). Perjalanan dalam sejam lebih je dari JB..Spend time smpai magrib dengan sanak sedara..dan honestly raya tahun ni mmg tak best..Atok aku terlantar sakit, so kitorg cuma duduk rumah je tak kemana-mana.

 Beraya la kami dua beranak je...hehe

Her first baju kurung....

After magrib gerak balik JB..coz esok tu dah birthday si kecik ni..memang nak sambut kecik2 je ngn family that time...


Layan picca je la ye..

 Safiyya with her cousin Zikri 

 Tiramisu Cake - Sedap oooo hahahahah

 Mulut penuh anak aku ni...

 Susah nak dapatkan pic bertiga yang helok2...

 Aku buat mmg ala kadar sangat...

 Daddy's little princess sangat 

 Pun boleh la...

 Safiyya with her Atok and Uwan

 Birthday Girl..

 Ni time raya ke-2 

 Safiyya tau potong je...yang bedal sume kek orang lain hahahaha

 with her cousins'

 Nape tu dik...

 My love...OHANA

Sayang manja ummi

Selitkan juga la time Raya Gathering 2018 & 3rd year anniversary Global Ehsan Relief di Concorde Hotel Singapore 13 July 2018..

Happy 3rd year anniversary GER...Love t be part of you...
GER Team Malaysia...

Ok serba sedikit pasal raya aku and family....raya tahun ni banyak makan kambing sbb open house kebanyakkan ade kambing..ko rasa???

By the way..cuti aku 11 hari diisi dengan tengok TV dan lepak umah..skali skala pergi Open House..HEAVEN SEHHH.....
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