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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

..:: IFTAR ::..

Salam Ramadhan sume....

Rasanya x terlambat lagi nak ucapkan Selamat Menjalani Ibadah Puasa kat sume member2 blogger ni..moga Ramadhan kali ni penuh dgn keberkatan dan rahmat dari Allah SWT...

Posa aku kali ni agak berbeza dgn posa2 yg sebelum n...macam tahun lepas aku berpuasa di kedai aku..smbil buka posa smbil layan customer kat kaunter...mampoo??? haha

Kali ni pun posa aku agak berbeza sket sbb tahun ni aku bisnes gak cuma kat bazaar je ngan adik aku..hehe...letih tapi pulangan yang schedule aku pun berubah 360 darjah ...

Boleh aku katakan ni la 1st time aku n adik aku try meniaga kat bazaar ramai dan bz nye mmg xleh kata lah tersgt HECTIC alhamdulillah semuanya berbaloi sgt....letih tp aku n adik aku hepi sbb customer kami ramai hahahahaha..yg best byk lak return customer sbb menu kami je berbeza dgn org lain...x penah org wat simple je la...

Suasana Iftar pun berbeza sbb sume peniaga2 sini mmg close to each makanan mmg bersepah2 la kitorg ni...nak makan ape??? sume free dan sistem barter je...sgt PRICELESS MEMORIAL oke...even sedey xleh berbuka dgn parents suasana sini dan jiran2 peniaga yang baik2 belaka mmg serba sedikit mengubat kerinduan kami dua beradik...insyaAllah aku n adik akan cuba blk awal raya ni utk berbuka gak ngan parent kami...huhu AMIN....

Waktu bersahur plak...biase2 far aku masak sahur hari2 sbb nak pastikan adik aku makan nasi panas2 setiap pagi...sian dia keje, blk keje trs meniaga bazaar ade tenaga sket...pastu Encek Specky Diver pun tiap2 hari dtg bersahur ngan kitorg..nak bg meriah la katakan..hahaha...waktu meniaga pun dia ade gak tlg2 aku n adik dan kitorg buka posa skali...MMG HEAVEN abis...

Blk lak meniaga dah terkejar2 aku n adik g cr masjid solat magrib...cuma x sempat lg nak bertarawih...huhu sedey lak part tu...insyaAllah pas ni try wat sendiri kat umah berdua...

memorial yg sgt best..pricelesss n heaven....huhuhu sukeeeeeeeeee

p/s - Tq Encek Specky Diver ye sbb sudi jadi staff x bergaji.....hahahahaha....bgs oooo dpt teman cenggini...lalallalalalala

Thursday, July 19, 2012

..:: The Importance Of Higher Education Learning::..

Salam all

Dear all...nowadays, we already know bout tough life between every single human on this earth to survive..everything is turn on for n so on...

Higher education...from Diploma...Bachelor Degree...Master Degree...PHD...What is that???....What is purpose for all those is just a piece of paper...what is a new statistic shows???? 

And most important thing is WHAT IS OUR PLAN...OR WHAT IS GOD'S PLAN TO US....

To agree..or disagree for higher education...all of them come to the last word------> MENTALITY...

Some people think there have no any benefit to have a piece of paper or we call Education Level Cerfiticate...

Some people dying to have that piece of paper as a ticket for better life...SO DO I!!!! What is educational purpose....benefits of diversity...

Why I think higher educations are Important....

  1. Higher education offer graduates more jobs to choose comparing to whom don't pursue education beyond high school..
  2. I dun mean non higher educations people cant have a great life coz too many people still success evens they just start from nothing ( no education )
  3. Graduates typically earn more than non-graduates.
  4. Higher education improves an individual's quality of life ( mentality bout health planning....dietary....economy security n so forth )
  5. Last but not least....I have to admitted....when I was tried to socialize with higher education society...that satisfaction are different comparing to non higher education society...
  6. But doesn't mean non higher education society are not good...just to simply thought..everything is different...
I was totally disagree with some people think, higher education it just a WESTING TIME, MONEY N LIFE ..

Learn...educate our self is a claimed in our lives even in Islamic Philosophy...fortune..this is the matter of work for that coz every human is born with they own destiny...So, I think...especially for nowadays....everything have to compete....Improves our life with smart think n one of them is Education...

Better have sumthing than nothing...
p/s - This is just a personal opinion of writer ( me ) bout Education in life... life is more advanced rite now..

Friday, July 13, 2012

..:: Bebelan Wanita Psycho ::..

Assalamualaikum dan salam 1 Malaysia.....

Bersediakan korang dgn repekan wanita saiko ni?????

Td aku kuar ngan seorang teman ni yg boleh dikata kan teman istimewa aku a.k.a specky diver yg sggup mendengar celoteh aku...rungutan aku dan lain2...ntah camane la dia leh tahan telinga dgr aku bebel2 sal hidup aku ni hahahaha...aku pun x snggup jd dia if dpt teman tapi mesra cam aku ni... ( paham x ayat aku ni. aku sendiri pening )

Lepaking2 kat kedai mamak kena teh tarik segelas dua, adik aku pun dtg dan join kitorg...pastu ade la cite sal  kes2 taksub ni...br2 ni kan ade kes pasal amukan kat JPM tu kan...yg lelaki samurai mengaku Imam Mahdi tu...rupa2nya arwah pun seorang blogger aku pg la jenguk blog arwah cuma aku x paham sgt ape yg cuba arwah smpaikan...ade yg kata arwah ngan perempuan tu taksub dgn Illuminati...pastu ade plak vangang2 yg politikkan isu ini...macam2 dunia skrg...

Mcm aku...if aku minat satu isu tu mmg aku cam ala2 jakun or kejap je la...pastu aku blah..sbb aku kan lalang..mane de nak stick ngan satu benda je kan..hahaha otak aku pun nak kena tune blk...delete fail2 lama...pastu format blk dan leh mulakan hidup baru...penah satu tahap tu aku giler taksub ngan isu Illuminati...tiap2 hari aku search pasal Freemason...buka video smpai sume benda aku leh try kaitkan ngan Illuminati ni...smpai stereng keta aku pun aku tenung lelama pastu mula la otak aku ckp ''ni mesti lambang illuminati ni..nak try sesatkan org Malaysia''..ntah ape kaitan aku pun x tau...sian kat stereng tu...( kat situ pun dah nmpak kebengongan aku kan )

 Tapi ketaksuban aku tu cuma mampu bertahan dalam seminggu dua...pastu aku pun start cemuih ( boring )..hahah bila aku pikir blk...aku mula rasa yg aku ni cam bodoh pun ade gak...suka pikir benda yg bukan2...nasib aku x jadik giler...aku suka benor imagine benda2 yg merapu...pelik tol ngan sikap aku alhamdulillah aku cepat sume byk membantu...

Aku rasa ni mesti sbb aku terlampau stress dgn keadaan aku kan...hahahahaha....thx utk teman mesra aku a.k.a specky diver tu...smpai masa, sy akan publish awk dlm hidup saya k..sbb awk byk membantu dlm proses penyembuhan otak sy tau....hahahaha sbb awk pun saiko gak ngan hidup awk...

p/s - sape kata aku saiko..aku tampo laju2 nak!!!!

Monday, July 9, 2012

..:: S.I.N.G.L.E ::..

Salam Alaik.....

Hye peeps....quite long time I didn't update my blog since I was in trouble in my life...I can life are sucks anyway....all turn as a hell...can't describe how is that happened, but things are difficult for me to start again..

Being a single for some people, maybe are disaster..but not for all I guess...Me??  I would like to have a single life again as long as I'm happy n can make people around me happy...but all those things deciding by Allah..not me...As His slave, I just follow my destiny...rather being a single or havin a partner...

When we look at other people still single in her/his life even though his/her age should have a family...we have no right to simply accusing that person in negative way such as choosy, not honored, high taste and so on coz...

we just know what happened in her/his life without knowing what she/he going through...

Or someone we know are failed in marriage and being a single again..we have no right to judge her/him...coz all this thing happened with a reason...''what goes around comes around'' we laugh or talk bad bout sumone...not impossible that thing will happens in our life...or people we loved most...think positive way...why happened to her/him...maybe they're not match...or maybe...


So, sit down n think carefully....human are not perfect...


I'm tired of try I choose to walk away....damn it....

With Love 



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